========= Utilities ========= Cuckoo comes with a set of pre-built utilities to automate several common tasks. Before these utilities could be found in the ``utils/`` directory but since then we have moved to ``Cuckoo Apps``. .. _cuckoo_apps: Cuckoo Apps =========== A ``Cuckoo App`` is essentially just a Cuckoo sub-command. There exist a couple of Cuckoo Apps, each with their own functionality. It is important to note that each Cuckoo App can be invoked in the same way. Following are some examples:: $ cuckoo submit --help $ cuckoo api --help $ cuckoo clean --help In these examples we provided the ``--help`` parameter which shows the functionality and all available parameters for the particular Cuckoo App. Submission Utility ================== Submits samples to analysis. This tool is described in :doc:`submit`. Web Utility =========== Cuckoo's web interface. This tool is described in :doc:`web`. .. _cuckoo_process: Processing Utility ================== .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 We used to have longstanding issues with ``./utils/process.py`` randomly freezing up and ``./utils/process2.py`` only being able to handle PostgreSQL-based databases. These two commands have now been merged into one Cuckoo App and no longer show signs of said issues or limitations. For bigger Cuckoo setups it is recommended to separate the results processing from the Cuckoo analyses due to performance issues (with multiple threads & the `Python GIL`_). Using ``cuckoo process`` it is also possible to re-generate Cuckoo reports, this is mostly used while developing and debugging Cuckoo Processing modules, Cuckoo Signatures, and Cuckoo Reporting modules. In order to do results processing in one or more separate process(es) one has to disable the ``process_results`` configuration item in ``$CWD/conf/cuckoo.conf`` by setting the value to ``off``. Then a Cuckoo Processing instance has to be started, this can be done as follows:: $ cuckoo process instance1 If one Cuckoo Processing instance is not enough to handle all the incoming analyses, simply create a second, third, and possibly more instances:: $ cuckoo process instance2 In order to re-generate a Cuckoo report of an analysis task, use the ``-r`` switch:: $ cuckoo process -r 1 It is also possible to re-generate multiple or a range of Cuckoo reports at once. The following will reprocess tasks ``1``, ``2``, ``5``, ``6``, ``7``, ``8``, ``9``, ``10``:: $ cuckoo process -r 1,2,5-10 For more information see also the help on this ``Cuckoo App``:: $ cuckoo process --help Usage: cuckoo process [OPTIONS] [INSTANCE] Process raw task data into reports. Options: -r, --report TEXT Re-generate one or more reports -m, --maxcount INTEGER Maximum number of analyses to process --help Show this message and exit. In automated mode an instance name is required (e.g., ``instance1``) as seen in the examples earlier above! .. _`Python GIL`: https://wiki.python.org/moin/GlobalInterpreterLock Community Download Utility ========================== This ``Cuckoo App`` downloads Cuckoo Signatures, the latest monitoring binaries, and other goodies from the `Cuckoo Community Repository`_ and installs them in your ``CWD``. To get all the latest and greatest from the Cuckoo Community simply execute as follows and wait until it finishes - it currently doesn't have any progress indication:: $ cuckoo community For more usage see as follows:: $ cuckoo community --help Usage: cuckoo community [OPTIONS] Utility to fetch supplies from the Cuckoo Community. Options: -f, --force Overwrite existing files -b, --branch TEXT Specify a different community branch rather than master --file, --filepath PATH Specify a local copy of a community .tar.gz file --help Show this message and exit. .. _`Cuckoo Community Repository`: https://github.com/cuckoosandbox/community Database migration utility ========================== .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 This used to be a special process, but has since been integrated properly as a Cuckoo App. This utility helps migrating your data between Cuckoo releases. It's developed on top of the `Alembic`_ framework and it should provide data migration for both SQL database and Mongo database. This tool is already described in :doc:`../installation/upgrade`. .. _`Alembic`: http://alembic.readthedocs.org/en/latest/ Stats utility ============= .. deprecated:: 2.0-rc2 This utility will not be ported to a Cuckoo App as this information can also be retrieved through both the Cuckoo API as well as the Cuckoo Web Interface. Machine utility =============== .. versionchanged:: 2.0.0 This used to be a standalone and hacky script directly modifying the Cuckoo configuration. It's now much better integrated and will be able to somewhat properly interact with Cuckoo. The machine ``Cuckoo App`` is designed to help you automatize the configuration of virtual machines in Cuckoo. It takes a list of machine details as arguments and write them in the specified configuration file of the machinery module enabled in *cuckoo.conf*. Following are the available options:: $ cuckoo machine --help Usage: cuckoo machine [OPTIONS] VMNAME [IP] Options: --debug Enable verbose logging --add Add a Virtual Machine --delete Delete a Virtual Machine --platform TEXT Guest Operating System --options TEXT Machine options --tags TEXT Tags for this Virtual Machine --interface TEXT Sniffer interface for this Virtual Machine --snapshot TEXT Specific Virtual Machine Snapshot to use --resultserver TEXT IP:Port of the Result Server --help Show this message and exit. As an example, a machine may be added to Cuckoo's configuration as follows:: $ cuckoo machine --add cuckoo1 --platform windows --snapshot vmcloak Distributed scripts =================== This tool is described in :doc:`dist`. Mac OS X Bootstrap scripts ========================== .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 These files will be moved elsewhere in an upcoming update and so should any documentation that references these scripts. A couple of bootstrap scripts used for Mac OS X analysis are located in *utils/darwin* folder, they are used to bootstrap the guest and host system for Mac OS X malware analysis. Some settings are defined as constants inside them, so it is suggested to have a look at them and configure them for your needs. SMTP Sinkhole ============= .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 This script has been removed since this functionality should be implemented properly using a Postfix setup. Setup script ============ .. deprecated:: 2.0.0 This script has been replaced by a similar but much more powerful SaltStack state.